Category Archives: Clockwork Princess

PHOTOS: New Book Covers for ‘Infernal Devices’ Series!

Yesterday, Shadowhunters TV revealed the remaining five covers of The Mortal Instruments series and by the angel they were magnificent masterpieces!

If those TMI covers were not enough for the fandom to handle, wait until you see the brand new covers for The Infernal Devices shared some exclusive informatiom about the creative process from the designer Russell Gordon and illustrator Cliff Neilsen.
From Russell Gordon, Executive Director of Art, Production, and Design:
The repackaging of Cassandra Clare’s epic Shadowhunter novels has been a rewarding, year-long adventure. Right from the start, when Karen Wojtyla, Justin Chanda, Annie Nybo and I sat down with Cassie to discuss the new direction, I knew it was going to be something truly special. Cassie had a wonderful vision for the new-look: for the characters to be the main focus, to infuse them with a real intensity, and passion, but also keep them a little mysterious. We all wanted to give these new covers as much “heart” as possible. We commissioned the extraordinary Cliff Nielsen (who had worked on the original packaging) as the cover artist. Cliff’s work is not only beautiful in a lyrical way—but it’s edgy and bold and mesmerizing—the perfect match for Cassie’s books. I especially love the details in his work, the way he united a different rune with the featured character on each of the Mortal Instruments covers, and the way the Clockwork Angel is woven into the character on each Infernal Devices cover.
I’ve always thought the best covers were those that will not only draw a new reader in, but also give that reader something else to explore after they’ve finished reading the book; when they go back and pore over all the visual details of the cover they maybe hadn’t understood, or even noticed, before reading the story. There are so many details on every part of the packaging of these books, and I really think it will keep Cassandra Clare’s fans—the new ones and the already-established-ones—engaged long after they’ve closed the books.
From Cliff Neilsen, illustrator:
Creating the cover to a novel is an exciting task. I get to work with really smart people (like Russell Gordon and Karen Wojtyla) that admire beauty and strive for originality. I get a chance to selfishly explore my artistic interests. I get an opportunity to be the first person to investigate and describe visually the world that sprouts from the creative heart of the author.
Cassandra Clare’s stories are special because her heart is special. Her words beautifully interweave the wonder and excitement of youth with myth, cultural history and mysticism. She makes them the popular culture.
So much work went into creating these covers. The process includes combining traditional mixed media painting, digital painting, photography, 3D rendering, found objects, and calligraphy. I’m passionate about these things, but the STORY is the true King. A good illustrator will understand that, above all else. Nevertheless, with this project I found myself asking “What drives the King”? What is the purpose of the story?
Reimagining these covers has been an exercise in trying to capture that emotion through iconography. It has been an attempt to personally connect with these beloved characters and their fictional lives, and share it as a visual parable to the throngs of Cassandra’s fans, past present and future. I hope you experience them with as much wonder and joy as I had creating them.

The Infernal Devices trilogy will be repackaged and available in paperback on September 1 from Simon & Schuster.

Which of these covers do you guys like best?

New Medium for The Infernal Devices?

 Cassandra Clare is so good to her readers! In answering a fan question over twitter, Shadowhunters and Downworlders are updated on The Infernal Devices project. Will we ever see Will Herondale on the big screen? According to Cassie, the series is going to be on television! Check out the tweet yourself:

Who do you want to see to bring our favorite book characters to life? Share with us in the comments below! 

Clockwork Princess named best YA literature of 2013

Examiner Magazine reports the best Young Adult novels of 2013 according to YA Magazine, with Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork Princess in the number one spot! 

The magazine states that there are no surprises here, Shadowhunter’s are taking over the world! 
“With Ms. Clare’s fans in the tens of thousands, this installment was as widely anticipated as the rest of the novels in this steampunk’d shadowhunters saga. And with nearly perfect ratings from fans, it was the biggest hit of 2013!” 
Clockwork Princess has an average rating of 4.58 stars out of 5 on Goodreads. 
Do you think Clockwork Princess deserves the title of best YA novel of the year? Tell us in the comments below! 

Clockwork Princess in the Running for Best Books of 2013

It is that time of the year again, Goodreads is hosting a choice awards for the best books of 2013, the categories include: Fiction, Mystery and Thriller, Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Horror, Memoir and Autobiography, History and Biography, Non-Fiction, Food and Cookbooks, Humor, Graphic Novels and Comics, Poetry, Debut Goodreads Author, Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Fantasy and Science Fiction, Middle Grade and Children’s, and finally, Picture Books.

Why should the Shadowhunters care? Well, Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork Princess has been nominated for Best Young Adult Fantasy and Science Fiction – that’s why!

This week is the opening round for nominations, so get on Goodreads and vote – or create a Goodreads account, and vote! The important thing to do here is to vote vote vote Shadowhunters!

Vote for Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork Princess as the Best Young Adult Fantasy and Science Fiction book of 2013 HERE for the Goodreads choice awards 2013!


Mortal Instruments Fan of the Month: October

Month of:  OCTOBER        
Mini Showcase:
The Silence is Loud is one of many original songs inspired by the TMI series, by Selena Thor:
There in the silence, is where I’d like to stay
holding your hand, but you feel so far away
those gold eyes of yours, as they stare back at me
holds the pieces of your heart, the only ones I see

‘Cause, I will not run, but I will not stay
I fought for your freedom, only to get it his way
The darkness inside you scares the death of me
‘Cause the silence is loud enough
to hear the shadows screaming

There in the darkness, you lay next to me
My blood runs cold ’cause, I know you can’t see
that these hands of mine, feel so empty
without your love I’ll, fall away so quickly

‘Cause, I will not run, but I will not stay
I fought for your freedom, only to get it his way
The darkness inside you scares the death of me
‘Cause the silence is loud enough
to hear the shadows screaming

Wait for me as I run
Wait for the love
The other side of the rive
holds paradise
so come undone

‘Cause, you don’t wanna run, you just wanna stay
He’s got your mind controlled like a puppet on a string
come back to me now, come back to planet earth
’cause a burden is rising in me
as the world burns

‘Cause, I will not run, but I will not stay
I fought for your freedom, only to get it his way
The darkness inside you scares the death of me
‘Cause the silence is loud enough
to hear the shadows screaming


released 25 May 2013
TMI, The Mortal Instruments, City of Bones, Cassandra Clare


A cover of When The Darkness Comes by Colbie Caillat done by Selena Thor:

Fan of the Month Fun Facts: 
Name: Selena Thor
Age: 15
Where you’re from: Wisconsin, United States
Favorite book: Out of the Cassandra Clare books, it’s a tie between Clockwork Princess and City of Glass. They’re both so amazing!
Favorite character and why: I really love Isabelle Lightwood. She’s so confident and fierce, but also takes things to her attention and genuinely cares about the people around her. 
Favorite quote: “Blood isn’t love” 
Favorite fan moment: I live in the middle of nowhere, so it’s pretty hard to find people who read the books. But there was this one time where I went to a sandwich shop downtown, and there was this girl who was taking my order. I saw she had a tattoo on her forearm and I asked what it was. She showed me it, and it was one of The Mortal Instruments’ quotes! It was so cool, we just started fangirling the entire time. It was so funny, but so awesome at the same time!

Fan of the Month Social Media:

 We hope you enjoyed meeting October’s Mortal Instruments fan of the month! The Mortal Instruments have brought people together of all ages from all around the world, and we are hoping to make a few introductions that will lead into a lasting fandom family. Say hi to Selena in the comments below!

If you are interested in becoming November’s Mortal Instruments fan of the month, let us know!