City of Lost Souls Part 3 Shadowhunter Chapter Reveal

Morning TMI fans! Part 3 of the City of Lost Souls Shadowhunter Chapter Reveal is up at Eve’s Fan Garden.
This one is definitely a portion of Chapter 1 that you don’t want to miss! It’s so intense so definitely check out this latest sneak peek installment by Cassie Clare!

In addition to reading, you have to sign up for your chance to win the Lightwood family ring! It’s one of only six rings that will be given away, so make sure to enter for you chance to get one of these covet rings!

For those who haven’t caught up on this week’s reveal, click the links below to start:

Start reading Part 2 here!
Start reading Part 1 here!

According to the Eve’s garden site, City of Lost Souls has been embargoes, which means that no ARCs are being revealed prior to the May 8th book release. This reveal is your only glimpse at the book! 
 The reveal virtual tour will continue next week with stops at the following locations:

Happy reading and good luck!!

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