Category Archives: CoLS

A little present for trending #weareshadowhunters

Cassie Clare posted a treat last night for TMI fans after the hashtag #WeAreShadowhunters became the number one worldwide Twitter trend yesterday. It’s an extra scene that didn’t make the cut for City of Lost Souls. It’s very much a spoiler, but please read and enjoy!

A present!
Family stuff prevented me from working on the Will vs. Ducks story today, so instead I’m giving you a cut scene from City of Lost Souls. It isn’t in the final book, but it does … illuminate some of the character dynamics. Spoilery so if you’re avoiding all spoilers, do not click!

Clary was in Jace’s room when he and Sebastian returned to the house. She had found very little during her search. There was nothing in Sebastian’s room that could be considered interesting except some books written in Latin, and her Latin wasn’t good enough to read them. There were pages that looked like they were torn from old guidebooks, illustrated with black and white pen sketches, pinned to the walls, but there seemed no connection between them. In the fireplaces were chunks of ash that looked like the remains of burned photographs, but they crumbled away when she tried to pick them up.
Jace’s room was next, neat as a pin, containing almost nothing of his belongings. There were weapons, but she didn’t recognize them, or the books on the shelves either. His closet was filled with clothes, but like the clothes in the master bedroom, they were largely new: he must have bought them in the past week or so, since price tags still hung from several of them. They were not what she thought of as Jace’s style. He had always dressed simply — things that were plain, solid colors, clothes that fit well but didn’t catch attention. He was gorgeous enough that it didn’t matter, she had always thought; he looked amazing in just jeans and a t-shirt. And he had plenty of those in his closet now, but the shirts had designer labels, the coats and jackets were Burberry and Hugo Boss and Dolce & Gabbana. 
Like the clothes in Sebastian’s closet.
Like the expensive clothing Valentine had always worn.
She closed the closet door and sat down on Jace’s bed, telling herself she was being stupid. Designer clothes were nothing to get worked up about. There were other things in the room that spoke of the Jace she had always known — the neatness, the arranging his weapons on top of his dresser in order of size, the books on the nightstand. He always used a thin dagger as a bookmark; that hadn’t changed. The photo of the two of them, stuck to the wall. Even the citrusy soap in his bathroom was the same soap he always used —
She heard steps on the staircase, voices. Sebastian’s rose: “Where is she?” 
She barely had time to switch off the light, fling herself down on the bed and curl up with her head on the pillow when the door opened. Jace stood there framed in the hallway glow, Sebastian behind him. She raised herself up on her elbow, blinking sleepily at them despite the racing of her heart. “Did you guys just get back?”
Jace gave Sebastian a look — a look that said clearly: I told you she’d be here. “Didn’t you hear us come upstairs?”
She shook her head. “Sorry, I got tired. I think I’m still exhausted from staying up till dawn the other night.” She looked at Jace demurely. “I was feeling a little lonely, so I thought if I curled up in your bed …” 
Do I sound like I mean it? His face had relaxed, but Sebastian was looking at her as if his gaze could piece through her like clear glass, and he was amused at what he saw.
She sat up, shaking her hair back, and reached for the lamp on the nightstand. “Don’t —” Jace began, but she had already flipped it on.
She stiffened. The two boys looked down at her, Jace with some concern and Sebastian with his usual quirky edge of half-amusement. His dark eyes met hers with the message they always held, the one she tried not to read: We know, you and I. We know the truth.
But none of that was what had made her stiffen. It was that both of them were was splattered with blood — there was a smear of it across Jace’s cheek, staining his sleeves, and a rent in his shirt, its edges dark and stiff with dried blood, though the skin underneath was unmarked. Sebastian, though — Sebastian had blood even in his white-silver hair, and on his clothes, and on his hands so thick it looked as if he were wearing red gloves. The silver bracelet he wore around the wrist where his hand had regenerated was spotted with red.
Clary heard her own voice as if from very far away. “What happened?”
“We ran into a little trouble,” Sebastian said. “Nothing we couldn’t handle.” He tilted his head to the side. “You look as pale as a ghost, little sis. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen worse. We’re Shadowhunters. This is what we do.”
“Of course.” Clary spoke mechanically. “I just wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
“Then you’ve nothing to worry about. Most of this isn’t either of our blood.” 
She swallowed against her dry throat. “So whose is it?”

Ways to promote City of Lost Souls

Since we only have a month until release of City of Lost Souls, I started thinking about ways to help promote the book via twitter. One of my new twitter friends, @Elena_xf, suggested that we set aside some time to dedicate to Twitter trending. I thought it was an awesome idea, and several of the other fan sites (@mundiemoms, @tmi_source, @tmispanishnews, etc)  chimed in that they want to help.

For some of my followers on my personal Twitter (@lostiegirl78 if you want to follow me there, too), you know I am a big fan of several things. Recently, another bunch of fan groups did a trend for one of my favorite artist’s new songs. They set a time and wanted the fans to tweet creatively but make sure they added the name of the song. They also chose NOT to use a hash tag as they felt that they’d had more success to get it to trend. They got it trending, and it was fun to participate.

So, this is an all-call to get some ideas on what we could use to help trend for CoLS. I think it should be something relatively short, something fun and something that will be a positive reflection on the fan base and for Cassie Clare. We’ve tentatively decided that this coming Monday (4/9) as a good day to do this, but we haven’t set a time yet. One of the keys to successful trending is to have a concentration of tweets about the topic at one time…. so once we pick a time, don’t start early! I made that mistake today. Since we have international followers, I’d like to know what the best time is (let’s use Eastern time just to be standardized) for us all to tweet. I know I’m the newbie on the block, so please feel free to offer an advice! I want to make our trending a big success!


City of Lost Souls Part 3 Shadowhunter Chapter Reveal

Morning TMI fans! Part 3 of the City of Lost Souls Shadowhunter Chapter Reveal is up at Eve’s Fan Garden.
This one is definitely a portion of Chapter 1 that you don’t want to miss! It’s so intense so definitely check out this latest sneak peek installment by Cassie Clare!

In addition to reading, you have to sign up for your chance to win the Lightwood family ring! It’s one of only six rings that will be given away, so make sure to enter for you chance to get one of these covet rings!

For those who haven’t caught up on this week’s reveal, click the links below to start:

Start reading Part 2 here!
Start reading Part 1 here!

According to the Eve’s garden site, City of Lost Souls has been embargoes, which means that no ARCs are being revealed prior to the May 8th book release. This reveal is your only glimpse at the book! 
 The reveal virtual tour will continue next week with stops at the following locations:

Happy reading and good luck!!

On set at CoLS book trailer shoot

 Here’s an exciting sneak peek behind the scenes of the CoLS book trailer shoot that Cassandra Clare posted on her blog today. This is what Cassie had to say:

“Onset at the City of Lost Souls book trailer filmage. (Is filmage a word?) The director and the back of book-trailer Jace’s head. I don’t know who is playing Jace in the trailer, but he has nice hair. And a stylin’ sweater. Which fits, as City of Lost Souls Jace has fancier clothes than previous Jace.”

I can’t wait to see this mystery Jace! 🙂

City of Lost Souls Chapter Reveal up now!

So, if you have been stuck in meetings all morning like I have OR if you are in school somewhere trying to drudge through the day, you are in luck! Cassandra Clare has posted the first part of Chapter 1 of City of Lost Souls! After you read it, let me know what you think!

You can click here to go to the website for Part 1 of 6 of the CoLS chapter 1 reveal. As well as being able to read the first chapter, if you live in the US, at each chapter stop you can enter to win one of six VERY limited edition SHADOW HUNTER FAMILY RINGS. Just click here and enter your information. (Canadians, follow @SimonPulseCA for your chance to win a SHADOWHUNTER ring. It’s only open to US residents, but apparently those are the legalities of this kind of giveaway. The chapter however, can be read by anyone.)
After you read it, let me know what you think!

Best of luck to everyone!